bouncing off 'singing in
the rain' yesterday....
my soul sANg on...[ in the car] while
taking the girls i nanny [Mia & Lea] ice-skating after school
yesterday. every Friday they earn a "fun day" as long as they earn
more stickers throughout
the week [on their behavior board] than "X"s. stickers
are earned through good listening [i.e. in the mornings while getting ready for
school] when Naomi says, "upstairs, let's brush your teeth", they
know that means 'NOW' also means 'no' whining or complaining while they're
at it... and when Naomi says, "now hurry up and get your shoes on",
they know they better run to that closet and get those shoes on! ;) when they
stay 'on task' and
demonstrate good listening ,
we all stay 'on time', and i tell them "that's something that
warrants recognition and reward" hence the stickers:)
now x's on the other
hand are earned when they do the opposite. i have to admit though, this whole
thing has worked better and better by the day as they realize that, 'Naomi
don't mess around!' they've gotten really good about taking the one warning
they're given to 'turn around' any bad listening or bad behavior in order to
avoid the big X.
every X is equivalent to
one minute in time-out. one minute of 'no-playtime' after school. they've also
learned through trial and error that when they scream and cry about the 'one'
while serving their sentence they
only continue to add X's to their over all 'time' in 'time-out'. when they
don't take the one warning to 'turn it around' as i tell them, there they stand
facing the wall in the corner, until they 'get' it.
we always 'talk' after
and i have them tell me why they were there in the first place and what they
will do 'differently' the next time around.
i have to admit
though...they've been pretty good as the stickers prove to be their entire
sOO0 mOving off that
tangent...girls earned their "fun day". it was a scAry drive to the
skating rink as [at one point] i could barely see the car in front of me with
the rain pouring down as hard as it was...
do i love the rain? yes.
driving in the rain? now that's another story. bUt, we made it safe and
sound and just in time for the overly-children-congested-public-skating-hour.
after a 10 minute
attempt at it, our little Lea, in all her frustration, gave up. yep. she wanted nothing to do with ice-skating! so, we
watched her, watching us...and made sure to offer up our "hellos" on
each turn of the rink... poor baby. she'll definitely have her pick for the
'fun day' next week.
now little miss MiA ~my
toothless wonder:) and i --on the other hand--had a FABulous time skating
three of us shared SUCH a moment in that sweet moment... it was perfect, pUre-jOy as
we all~ simultaneously~did a--"WOOOO~W"....!!! before falling into a dazed silence for a few moments as we stared at
So what is it that makes us go, 'WOW' about a rainbow?
know for me, it's a beautiful reminder of GoD's faithfulness...
God told Noah and his sons in Genesis 9:15-16,
“And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every
living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to
destroy all flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it,
that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living
creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.”
such a BEAUTIFUL picture
of His Love and promise to uS, His children...
...i ALSo believe that
the rainbow is symbolic of our connection to GoD directly through the energy He emanates to our souls [via the colors of
this covenant to us] to re-FRESH the spirit
of our souls in the most 'colorful' of ways, after the 'gloomy' weather;)
...On, 'what's yOUR
color?' ...tune in to the next post.
oNe LoVe,
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