Thursday, November 3, 2011

what's your story?

on FinAlly starting a blog~~ most people in my life might say its about half past time i did :) the people who know me best also know that writing is a hobby & passion of mine. it's something i have always loved doing. i can remember as a child feeling that first sense of 'best-expressed-on-paper-feeling' and it sure felt GOOd! i'd often stay up late writing in my diary or journal about EVERYthing i did that day and all the little things that made me happy.

...and aLL the liTTle things they were:)

writing is innate to who i am. even the advice i've gladly given in 'counseling' [for lack of a better word] sessions with friends and family has often ended with "write it down" or "write a letter" ...i've given journals as gifts to many people throughout my life, too many times to remember or count, along with 'instruction' on how to use it...

my philosophy in a nut shell is simple. LIFE is yOur story with pages UNwritten. better get writing;)

every day and eVery new day, with every NEW page, brings the story a little closer to the final chapter... cliche as it is, i love asking and being asked the question~ 'what's your story?' just a few words hold the power to change lives. to inspire and be inspired. to discover ONE-ness with a perfect stranger and the world around us. isn't that what this life is all about anyway? [ok, here i pause] i COUld go off on a tangent...bUt i won't. we'll save that one for another post :)

sO, while writing is a love i've 'sang out loud' about, the music in my soul I've kept to myself...really out of nothing more than fear. many if not most people in my life had no idea that singing was such a passion of mine... until very recently that is [cuddos to FacEbook] when i mustered up the courage to share it.

trUth be told, for oh-ummmm i dunno, the past 10 years, i've 'suffered' from~ what was perhaps nothing more than some temporary self-inflicted, self-diagnosed case of 'stage fright'. sure most of my friends and family have known that i enJoy singing, but as my dear friend Talia put it to me, laughing as she said, "i'm pretty sure you're the LAST person anyone would've suspected to have stage fright!"

yes my friend, EVEN a social, outgoing, former reality t.v show contestant, willing at any given moment to strike up a conversation with aNy perfect mYself, is NO exception;)

i've known that the 'stage fright' thing was not something anyone would peg me for, but this is my naked-bare-all-soul...and for a long time i couldn't even admit to myself that it was the reason i wouldn't share my voice...this paSSion of singing.

but oNe thing i've been learning and re-learning:) is that L-I-F-E, here on this earth, as we know it is just FAR too shORt to waste ANY time. i thank GoD for His infinite love on my press on my heart the things that i ought to be doing with my life~~ not because i have to, my free will will always exist, but because it was written on my soul [by Him] and it hAs been since the beginning of my soul's existence, long before this physical body came into the picture. it wouldn't be such a passion if not the case... in other words...among other things, i Naomi, was MAde to SiNg, sO 'sIng' is what i ought to do;)...have YoU asKed yourself the question? i'll ask... 'what's your story?'

what were you MADE to do? what's in your heart? a person? a dream(s)? an aspiration? a gift you've kept to yourself? a place in this world where you've wanted to go live for a while? your children? ...whatever, whomever it may be, this/these are your passions. this is what you were mAde to do and devote yourself to, so APPLY yourself to these things with purpose & passion and discover a contentment in your soUl like you have yet to experience. then SHARE it with the world! don't keep it to yourself anymore. when we share our hopes, our passions, our goals & aspirations, we discover an accountability to others and ourselves to actually pursue them. all too often we find ourselves in a rut. i think this happens primarily when our souls are trying to 'figure it out'

...but if we look deep inside, we already know the answer to our burning questions. guidance and inspiration will come in many forms, but YOU [GoD withIN you] are truly your greatest source. you never need to look much further when you're looking deep within. where GoD dwells in your soul, is where you will discover everything you never knew...that you AlREADY knew :) i say this because its what has happened and continues to happen, to me.

in the stillness of the morning--after a nice little 30 minute cardio workout, either IN the quiet othwerwise to my calming meditation music on the iPod deck, cuddos to PAndora;)-- i get on the floor and stretch for 15 minutes with my eyes closed as i meditate in prayer.

if you haven't tried this lately, do it first thing in the morning! you can skip the workout, but set your alarm to wake up just 15 minutes earlier if you need the extra time. get on the floor and RELAX, stretch, prAy.

starting each new day with a spirit of gratitude will 'stretch' far into your day, into your week for that matter, helping you conquer it like you wouldn't imagine. i call it my 'GoD time'...because i knOw He lives within my SoUl, i know He is Always speaking to me. the problem is i don't always hear Him. the chatter, the noise, all of life's frustrations can really get in the way and dim down His voice. but in these precious moments of the morning, my SoUl finds its resting place and grows in maturity through its atonement ~At-ONE-Ment with its maker, Father GoD.

i don't know how i'd survive in this world without it, without these moments of divine interaction~ diVine serenity. it was in these very moments, very recently, that He spoke the words into the ears of my heart "I LoVe you Naomi, NOW SING!"

to all of you, my friends and family, who commented on the videos i posted on Facebook, a very, VeRy special THANK YOU! i can't express in words, the nervous anxiousness i felt while uploading them. like i was totally naked...but to get past the 'fear' of the stage, it had to be done, and i 'knew' that. words cannot express the confidence i needed that ALL of your sweet words delivered... i was inspired and motivated by them, so THANK YOU a thousand times over! I can't express that enough:)

Another special thanks to my inspirational, free spirit friend and play date companion [with the girls i nanny] Heidi..thank YoU, thank YoU my friend;) You've inspired me just by being yOu and encouraging me in my writing and especially the blogging!

along with this blog, i started a YouTube channel and will be recording very soon with RuMSY NaSser, my friend and an amAzingly gifted musician and music producer, so STAY TUNED! my current 'agenda' consists of an entire 'fiRST' album of songs:) and i would love it if you'd subscribe to my blog. you can submit your email address in the bar above and receive my posts straight to your inbox.

i created this blog because i wanted a place to share my daily life, my inspirations-- all the things in this world that make me cry and the 'little things in life' that make me laugh. i'll also be posting the lyrics to all the songs i write and the 'BEHIND THE MUSIC' 'stories' of each song.

i aim to motivate and inspire, and TO BE EQUALLY motivated and inspired by you, yOur thoughts, yOur beliefs, and yOUr inspirations in return, so 'COMMENT' AWAY and may our souls join as ONE...



p.s. it's a work in progress, but you can follow my YouTube Channel as well. Just copy and paste in your browser@

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